Please note that any opinion, estimates or forecasts made by the authors of these reports are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Arkanova or its management. Arkanova does not by its reference or distribution of the report imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.
The information in these reports is historical in nature, has not been updated, and is current only to the date indicated in the particular report. This information may no longer be accurate and therefore you should not rely on the information contained in these press releases. To the extent permitted by law, Arkanova Energy Corporation and its employees, agents and consultants exclude all liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of, or reliance on, any such information, whether or not caused by any negligent act or omission
There is also a query on how much energy that a digital currency such as Bitcoin consumes. If it is a debate, well, the answer is Bitcoin does consume energy. Some see it as an environmental impact. Experts say that it is easy to evaluate the energy consumed by Bitcoin by looking at its hashrate. This will help you to understand how much energy goes into trading and mining Bitcoin. For example, the automated trading apps like Immediate edge run all through the day to execute the Bitcoin trade. Going through the immediate edge erfahrungen may help you understand about how the app functions and the relative tests that you can run to learn its performance. Certain amount of energy goes into it.
.Arkanova Energy Corporation
is an exploration and junior
production company head-
quartered in Austin,Texas.
Arkanova is engaged in
the acquisition, exploration,
and development of oil and gas
properties. The company has
secured working interest in
two key North American
areas; Montana and Colorado.